Liturgical Materials
405 Item/s found
Php 20.00
Crucifix Pendant with Saint Benedict Medal - Small - C5-115167
Php 10,500.00
Single Kneeler 23 x 24 x 33 Inches - K5-5101
Php 10.00
Laminated Holy Name of Jesus - Medium 7 x 8 cm - L1-10936
Php 7.00
Laminated Holy Name of Jesus - Small - 5 x 6 cm - L1-10935
Php 12.00
Laminated Holy Name of Jesus in FILIPINO - Large - L1-10934
Php 10.00
Laminated Holy Name of Jesus in FILIPINO - Medium - L1-10933
Php 7.00
Laminated Holy Name of Jesus in FILIPINO - Small - L1-10932
Php 20.00
Laminated Cross Prayer - Large - L1-10942
Php 4,500.00
Alb White Medium DISENIO - M1-41279-WHT
Php 4,600.00
Chasuble Cream Large JHS - M1-41276-CRMJHS
Php 650.00
Mass Linen Set - Round Cross Green - M1-34108-RNDCRSGRN
Php 9,000.00
Chasuble Cream Medium - M1-41275-CROSS
Php 12,500.00
Chasuble Cream Large - M1-61720-JHS
Php 650.00
Mass Linen Set - Round Cross RED - M1-34108-RNDCRSRED
Php 5,200.00
Chasuble Blue Large - M1-41299-BLUE
Php 430.00
Php 430.00
Vino de San Pablo Mass Wine - 75cl - SP-191 - For Orders - Please click the CHAT TO ORDER link at the bottom
Php 650.00
Mass Linen Set - Thin Cross RED - M1-34108-TINCRSRED
Php 650.00
Mass Linen Set - Dual Cross RED - M1-34108-DUALCRSRED
Php 400.00
Page Holder - 7 x 9 inches - ACS-230164
Php 650.00
Mass Linen Set - Dual Cross PURPLE - M1-34108-DUALCRSPPL
Php 15.00
Laminated Cross Prayer - Medium 13 x 19 cm - L1-10941
Php 10.00
Laminated Cross Prayer - Small - L1-10940
Php 3,600.00
Wedding Arrhae with Pouch - Embroidered - 7x9 Inches - ACS-979107
Php 3,500.00
Lay Man - Sick Call Kit - C10-3293
Php 6,300.00
Php 950.00
HOLDING CROSS 5 INCHES - SAINT PADRE PIO 8 x 2 x 11 cm - XC5-178143
Php 20.00
Saint Anthony of Padua Prayer Card - L1-5610
Php 60.00
Holy Water Container 100ml - Empty - AR-97210
Php 6,500.00
Bell - 6 inches - C10-438139
Php 7,000.00
Chasuble with Center Design Green - Medium - XM1-50229
Php 385.00
PAL 16 x 16 cm Pure White PGrapes - M-50222-PWPG
Php 385.00
PAL 16 x 16 cm Pure White Cross Grapes - M-50222-PWCG
Php 385.00
PAL 16 x 16 cm Green PGrapes - M-50222-GRNPG
Php 385.00
PAL 16 x 16 cm Green Cross Grapes - M-50222-GRNCG
Php 385.00
PAL 16 x 16 cm Yellow Cross Grapes - M-50222-YLWCG
Php 385.00
PAL 16 x 16 cm Red PGrapes - M-50222-REDPG
Php 385.00
PAL 16 x 16 cm White Cross Grapes - M-50222-CG
Php 385.00
PAL 16 x 16 cm Pink PGrapes - M-50222-PNKPG
Php 385.00
PAL 16 x 16 cm White PGrapes - M-50222-PG