Liturgical Materials
405 Item/s found
Php 50.00
Magic Charcoal - C9-3213
Php 2,750.00
Lay Man - Sick Call Kit Black Cross - C10-3293B-BLK
Php 2,750.00
Lay Man - Sick Call Kit Brown Cross - C10-3293B-BRN
Php 1,500.00
Clerical Shirt Dark Blue Short Sleeves - Large - XT6-50237-LRGDB
Php 1,500.00
Clerical Shirt Dark Blue Short Sleeves - Medium - XT6-50237-MEDDB
Php 1,500.00
Clerical Shirt Black Short Sleeves - Large - XT6-50238-LRGBLK
Php 2,000.00
Clerical Shirt Dark Blue Short Sleeves - Hidden Buttons - Medium - XT6-50231-MEDDB
Php 2,350.00
Clerical Shirt White Short Sleeves - Small - M1-61389-SMLWHT
Php 2,000.00
Clerical Shirt White Short Sleeves - Hidden Buttons - Large - XT6-50234-LRGWHT
Php 175.00
Triangle Veil - 33 x 27 inches - V1-48704-G
Php 175.00
Rectangular Veil - 17 x 39 Inches - V1-48703-G
Php 175.00
Rectangular Veil - 17 x 39 Inches - V1-48703-F
Php 175.00
Rectangular Veil - 17 x 39 Inches - V1-48703-E
Php 110.00
Php 3,200.00
Chasuble White Alpha Omega - Large - M1-6711-AOLRG
Php 4,600.00
Php 3,200.00
Chasuble Purple JHS - Extra Large - M1-6711-XLPPL
Php 195.00
Purificator - White - M-3001-WHT
Php 195.00
Purificator - Purple - M-3001-PPL
Php 3,300.00
Green Stole EUCHARIST Design - R3-412103-A
Php 4,600.00
Altar Table Cover White with Lace 57 x 105 Inches - Purple Cross Design - T2-6749-B
Php 4,250.00
White Altar Table Cloth 55 x 84 Inches - Green Edge Alpha Omega Design - M1-6754-B
Php 4,250.00
White Altar Table Cloth 55 x 84 Inches - Purple Edge Alpha Omega Design - M1-6754-A
Php 4,250.00
White Altar Table Cloth 55 x 84 Inches - Gold Edge Cross Design - M1-6754-C
Php 12.00
Laminated Holy Name of Jesus - Large - L1-10937
Php 4,250.00
White Altar Table Cloth 55 x 84 Inches - Purple Edge Cross Design - M1-6754-D
Php 4,600.00
Altar Table Cover White with Lace 57 x 105 Inches - Purple Alpha Omega Design - T2-6749-A
Php 2,500.00
Green Altar Table Cover 55 x 70 Inches - PX Design - M1-6712-B
Php 2,500.00
Green Altar Table Cover 55 x 70 Inches - Dove Design - M1-6712-A
Php 175.00
Triangle Veil - 33 x 27 inches V1-48704-A
Php 425.00
Holy Water Bottle - 3 x 6 inches - XAR-43301
Php 7,400.00
Censer and Boat Brass Metal 7 Inches - XC10-50266
Php 6,200.00
Censer and Boat Brass Metal 10 Inches - XC10-50225
Php 8,750.00
Censer and Boat Brass Metal 9 Inches - XC10-50226
Php 195.00
Purificator - Green - M-3001-GRN
Php 230.00
Incense - 500g - C9-01L4
Php 530.00
Palm Cross with Saint Benedict Medal - 7 x 1 x 13 cm -C5-53101
Php 4,600.00
Php 4,600.00
Altar Table Cover White with Lace - Crown of Thorns Design - 3 x 2 Yards - T2-6749-C
Php 120.00
Kneeling Pad - Khaki 5 x 1 x 13 inches - K2-2735-KHK