1. How do I register as a member of ST PAULS Online?
Membership in ST PAULS Online is absolutely free of charge. It is a requirement though prior to your purchase of any item at the site. To register, click on the 'Register' button or hyperlink on the site's Home Page. You may carefully fill out the registration form. Take note that items with the red asterisk sign (*) are fields that you are required to answer. Once you have completed this, click on the 'Submit' button. The system will send an authentication link to your registered e-mail address. Click on the activation hyperlink to view the details of your registration. Otherwise, the system will return the authentication mail to your e-mail address for verification. You can only log in using your authenticated email and password. This ends the registration process.
Registration via Facebook and Google + can also be done.

2. What am I going to do if I forgot my email and/or password?
In case you forgot your email and/or password, click on the 'Forgot Password’hyperlink. Submit your registered e-mail then the system will send it to your registered password or username.

3. Why is it that the product I saw in one of ST PAULS branches is not posted in ST PAULS Online?
ST PAULS Online features only selected books and articles from ST PAULS Diffusion. Hence, products and promotions posted on this website may differ from products and promotions in ST PAULS retail outlets.

4. How do I shop at ST PAULS Online?
Below are simple steps you will go through when you decide to shop:
1. Click the featured product on the product page or in various product categories.
2. Click on details of the selected product.
3. Click on the 'add to cart button to buy the product. The selected item will automatically be listed in your cart. No minimum purchase is required.
4. Hit the 'checkout' button to/and edit product quantity. System returns on the checkout page with an updated product quantity.
5. To continue shopping, you may click any featured product on the product page or in various product categories.
6. Hit the checkout button when you're done shopping.
7. If you are already logged in, fill up correctly the required billing and shipping information, then hit submit button. Otherwise, click on the 'sign up' hyperlink.
8. Once the required billing and shipping information has been filled up, the system redirects to the online payment site for payment verification. The information "payment successful" will be received for the approved payment transaction. Otherwise, the system will return and verify if you correctly encoded the necessary details in the form.
9. Choose the Mode of Payment you prefer.
10. The information "payment successful" will be received for the approved payment transaction. Otherwise, the system will return and verify if you correctly encoded the necessary details in the form.
11. The system will send order confirmation to your e-mail.
12. Hit the log-out button to finish a transaction.

5. How do I know that my purchase was successful?
After you logged out, a confirmation e-mail, indicating the transaction number and details of the items you purchased, will be sent to your registered e-mail address. It is important for you to note the Transaction Number because this information will be asked from you in case of any inquiry. If you did not receive any confirmation via e-mail, please notify us via e-mail at stpaulsonline@stpauls.ph.

6. What are the shipping terms and conditions of my order?
Approved orders are shipped through our authorized local courier. Local orders will be delivered within 1 to 3 working days (NCR), and 3 to 12 working days (rest of the country) while international orders will take within 4 to 8 business days from the process date of the order. 
Orders received from 12:00 am to 3:00 pm (Manila time) are processed on the same working day from Monday to Saturday and those received later than 3:00 pm will be processed on the next business day. Only upon confirmation from the payment gateway's merchant administration will the order be processed.

7. What to do if I receive damaged item(s)?
For damaged or defective item(s) received, e-mail report to stpaulsonline@stpauls.ph within ten (10) business days if in the Philippines, and within twenty (20) business days FROM DELIVERY DATE if outside the country. Shipping and handling charges when you purchased the item are non-refundable. We will e-mail you in the event that we cannot replace the defective product with the same item due to inventory limitations, and we will let you choose another item with the same or nearest purchase price at ST PAULS Online to serve as a replacement. Items will be replaced free of charge or refunded. We shall remit a refund amount equivalent to the product price to your bank account.